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Work with us

Junior Shopping Mall Leasing


Leasing will be initially flanked by the management figures already present in the structure, so that it can acquire the necessary corporate working procedures for the marketing of Shopping Malls and Commercial Parks.

– degree or high school diploma;
– mastery of IT tools;
– Office, Outlook, Word and Excel package;
– aptitude for the role of mediation, negotiation skills, problem solving skills and strong interpersonal relational skills;
– team working skills;
– willingness to be mobile on the territory.

Meritocratic environment, effective tools, training and opportunities to develop skills and roles of increasing responsibility.

The national employment contract for the trade sector with fixed-term employment is applied.

Send CV to

Candidates interested in a specific position can send their curriculum vitae, with the authorization to the treatment of the personal data to the senses of the D.L.196/2003, by filling in the following form, indicating the desired role in the appropriate field.

The curriculum vitae will be evaluated and considered only if sent using the dedicated channel.
If sent to other addresses on the site, the same will not be evaluated and will be immediately deleted.

The selection is for both sexes.

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    Leggi l'informativa sulla privacy per la candidatura ad un ruolo specifico. Preso atto dell’Informativa di cui sopra e di quanto stabilito dal GDPR 2016/679, dal D.lgs. 196/2003 e dall’Autorità Garante della Protezione dei Dati personali (ora Autorità nazionale di controllo)

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